Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Latest on the CD Release Party DEC 8

I am thrilled for this CD Release Party! We have such wonderful people who have come out of the proverbial wood work and become answers to my prayer before God. Quite a few of willing souls will be using the gifts and talents God gave them to help make this night a wonderful and special night!

What has been provided!

1. Gifts for silent auction (Kreative Haus - Lindy)(if you have something to donate, please contact me!) Proceeds will go to FACE of Harvest.
2. Photography (Shelly Young) - The more the merrier :) Amateurs welcome!
3. Event Planning (Jennifer Wallace)
4. Catering (John, Matt, and Lily!)
5. Helpers for CD Table and Auction Table (Brandi Bender all the way from Arizona! - there are others who offered, and still waiting to hear they are certain to come.)
6. Press Release/Communications Kreative Haus - Lindy)
7. Kenyan Tea - (Nancy of FACE of Harvest)
8. Sound System - Armor of Light
9. Graphic Design - Melissa Diaz and Karla!
10. FACE of Harvest Team coming out from Washington DC!

Still Needed

1. Videos of the event - videographers and smartphone amateurs!
2. Helpers still needed: Food, Silent Auction Table, Greeters, Spreading the word (anyone can do that) via your social networks and grabbing some invites from me to share with your friends.
3. Anyone with awesome lighting equipment for event night... :)
4. Printing Services
5. Silent Auction Gifts for FACE of Harvest Silent Auction

There are lots of other things I can't think of right now, but you may have a gift you can share that I haven't yet thought of!
This is going to be an AWESOME night. I really am thrilled to be sharing this night with so many of you who might come and bless us with your presence and time.
Lots of love, prayers, and music,