Monday, October 24, 2011

Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills Womens Retreat

This is the photo story I kept of my visit at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills women's retreat. It was a beautiful time. There were so many amazing women that I was able to meet and talk with. My only regret is that I did not get to meet and sit and talk with everyone.

Love the time we spent as a group worshiping God. It was so sweet. It occurred to me, that though I was in front on the Piano leading, I was actually sitting in the audience to an amazing choir. This was all for God, and he let me sit in the front row. I felt very honored.

I stayed up late both nights talking and sharing, laughing and crying, but it was worth no sleep for what beautiful conversations and fellowship we had.

Sweet times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful Elva; thank you for blessing us with the amazing gift of music and leading others to worship. love you!