In the middle of the United States is a state filled with beautiful people (not to negate all you other beautiful people). Last year I had the opportunity to go to South Dakota and had a week filled with musical appearances and times of sharing. I loved EVERY MOMENT. So, this year when I had the opportunity to go back, I was so excited!
Here's a brief overview and pics to tell the rest of the story.
Thursday: arrived in Rapid City, but my keyboard didn't make it. So Haley and I made sad faces while trying not to laugh. (They call her my shadow. I don't have to chase this shadow!) I grew to love her beyond human understanding! This is a special child!!!
Friday AM: participated in a 5k RUN/walk and made new friends saw old friends. I TIED for second place!...."Dupree is a small town... There were only 3 runners and the rest of the folks walked. :) LOL
Friday PM: went to the radio station KLND for radio interview that didn't happen. Met up with a different DJ (DONNA) who invited us to have as much time as we wanted in her Saturday show.
We visited her miracle church and I took a picture in the baptismal. :) the church needs some roof repairs! Please pray a team goes and helps with this!
Saturday AM: 4a - we headed out to KLND and I gave a LIVE mini concert and shared hope and life stories related to the songs. My "Home Away from Home" Maryann also shared her story! ....which gave DJ Donna an opening to share a part of HER story too!!! It was an AMAZING morning over the airwaves of the Indian Reservation Radio Station.
Saturday afternoon: painted faces, shared Jesus with visitors to out tent at the Pow-Wow while giving away CD-samplers and Gospel of John books.
Saturday evening: Sang the Star Spangled Banner at the POW-WOW opening ceremonies.
Sunday AM: Led worship at the Calvary Chapel Dupree Tent on the Pow-Wow grounds.
Sunday PM: participated in the CC Dupree Sponsored (pedal) Bike Ride.
Monday (July 15- my wedding anniversary!): visited the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation Cultural Center where I met one of the Tribal Council Leaders and sang for him and to whoever was in the gift shop. :) Ben Elkeagle then gifted me with a camouflage Cheyenne River hat. So touching.
Monday Night: I gave a house concert at the house where we celebrated with a couple of my girls as we prayed with them to receive Jesus. 

Handmade Gifts from Wanda:
Handmade gift from Stacey
I want to especially thank Pastor Chug and Karen Garreau for hosting us and allowing us to join them in HOW God is shining His Light in their community and now, mine!. :). They honored Maryann and I with Star Quilts and a prayer. It was SOOOO touching!!!